March 548

Analytical-Methodical Division

Competence of the Division:

  • Study of the conditions of archival affairs in Georgia, its development speed and quality, the activities of the National Archives, analysis and generalization of the obtained data, preparation of the conclusions on the issue of competences of the National Archives, development of the proposals for the optimization of the main directions of the National Archives;
  • Creation and  implementation of branch system of planning and reporting of the archival affairs, organization and control of labor normalization;
  • The development and preparation for approval of promising programs of the development of archival affairs in Georgia and current (annual) plans, determination of scheduled tasks sizes, plan implementation process control;
  • Preparation and approval of the evaluation work plans of the Central Archives, discussion and approval of the work plans of territorial authorities according to the profiled issues of the division;
  • Organization of the discussion of the reports of the structural units and territorial organs of the National Archives, statistical registration of their activities, generalization of data,  and summarization of the work of the National Archives;
  • Organization and coordination of the scientific-research and methodical work of the structural units of the National Archives in the fields of studying documents, archives, archeography,  and neighboring areas of the disciplines of history;
  • Organization of composing, arranging, protecting and using the reference-informational fonds of the National Archives;
  • Ensuring the protection of the requirements of the Normative Acts of Georgia in the professional activities of the  National Archives, study and evaluation of practice of their usage, collecting of legislative proposals, analysis and generalization;
  • Development of the proposals for the professional and advanced trainings of the employees of the National Archives.