March 548

10th International Scientific Conference

The 10th International Scientific Conference Archival Studies, Source Studies – Trends and Challenges


Papers for the 10th International Scientific Conference Archival Studies, Source Studies - Trends and Challenges are being requested by the National Archives of Georgia.

The conference will be held on September 2527, 2025, and will honor the 350th anniversary of the King Vakhtang VI.


The Goals of the Conference:

·      Compiling scientific novelties;

·       Fostering strong scientific collaborations between Georgian and foreign scientists;

·       Encouraging cross-cultural and multidisciplinary research;

·       Figuring out how to adjust to the modern cultural heritage management requirements;

·       Sharing innovations in the digital humanities field. 


The scientific directions of the conference are:

·       Philology (classical, Byzantine, and modern Greek philology, literature, linguistics, theory of literature, codicology-textual criticism, folklore studies);

·       History, source studies, archival studies, ethnology, archaeology, and anthropology;

·       Art history (depictive and decorative-applied art, architecture, audio-visual art, theory of art and history, choreography);

·       Cultural studies (museology, antiquity studies, theory of culture, and history);

·       Digital aesthetics and design;

·       Digital archives and databases;

·       Conservation and restoration. 


Basic Requirements:

·       Masters and PhD students as well as those with academic degrees are eligible to attend the conference;

·       For master's and doctoral students, the recommender's academic degree, email address, and phone number must be included in the contact information;

·       The topic of the conference should contain scientific novelty that hasn't been published or discussed at any other scientific gathering;

·       Abstracts should not be longer than 500 words;

·       English and Georgian are the conference's working languages.


Important dates:

July 26, 2025 is the deadline for abstract submissions

September 6, 2025 is the deadline for receiving notifications about abstract acceptance 


Please fill out the registration form and send it to the following e-mail address:

Additional Information:

Conference materials will be published, or an electronic version of the materials will be uploaded.