January 548

The Historical Archive of Ukraine transferred the Digital Copies of the Maps to the National Archives of Georgia

The Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine transferred the digital copies of two historical maps to the National Archives of Georgia.

The Minister of Justice of Georgia Ms. Thea Tsulukiani was visiting Ukraine in May 2015. She held high-level meetings with the representatives of the government and also visited the Archival Service of Ukraine. The transfer of the maps to the Georgian side is connected with her visit.

The map of the Turkish Empire by Johann Baptist Homann that consist Georgia as well is included in the atlas, published in 1748 in Nurnberg. Another map of the Turkish Empire by Tobias Conrad Lotter represents the part of the World Geographical Atlas, published in Augsburg in 1784.

The National Archives of Georgia didn’t possess these maps so far. That’s why they have enriched the cartographical materials of the archive and took its place together with the maps of Vakhushti Batonishvili, Guillaume Delisle and others.

The maps are accessible for any interested person at the research room of the Central Historical Archive of the National Archives of Georgia.