February 548

Thierry Berishvili: "Excellent Merit of Justice Minister in Solving Issue of Leuville Estate Return"

On February 14, 2018, Memorandum was signed between the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, the National Archives of Georgia and the descendant of Mamia Berishvili, Thierry Berishvili, on returning of the last archive of Leuville Estate and the creation of Mamia and Christiane Berishvili Fonds.

Return of the last archive of the Leuville Estate to Georgia is symbolically related to the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Georgia. This agreement was reached between the Minister of Justice of Georgia Tea Tsulukiani and Mamia Berishvili's son, Thierry Berishvili, during the successful negotiations on returning of Leuville Estate to Georgia.

“Today we will sign the document on the creation of the fonds of Mamia Berishvili and his wife in the National Archives of Georgia. Their son, Thierry Berishvili, will transfer all the documents that Mamia Berishvili preserved and took care together with Leuville Estate. Mr. Thierry continues his father's activity today. Thanks to him, these documents were transferred to the National Archives", declared Tea Tsulukiani, the Minister of Justice.

Thierry Berishvili noted at the solemn ceremony: "I would like to express my gratitude to Ms. Tea Tsulukiani, who in 2015, when negotiations on the returning of Leuville Chateau Estate reached a deadlock, rapidly analyzed the problem and it is a great merit of hers that this issue was resolved quickly and the memorandum was signed. This time we agree that the last part of the Leuville archive will be brought here, in the heart of Georgia. This archive contains the documents related to the acquisition of Leuville Estate, and here is the testament of our great ancestor's”.  

Mamia and Christian Berishvilis managed Leuville Estate for 20 years. Since 1995, Mamia Berishvili has started a long process of returning the archives of Georgian government from the bureau abroad.  As a result, in 1995-1996, Mamia Berishvili handed over 450 kg. archives to the chairperson of the parliament of Georgia, Zurab Zhvania. After his death, according to his will, his personal archive and the remaining part of the archive of the Social Democratic Party of Georgia was transferred to Tbilisi State University in 2015.

According to the memorandum, the last archive of Leuville Estate will be transferred to the National Archives of Georgia for ensuring its preservation, protection and public accessibility.  

After studying and processing of the material by the specialists of the National Archives of Georgia, the archive collection will be named "Mamia and Christine Berishvilis Fonds". The archive will be available for any interested person.