January 548

Love Story Remained on Archival Document and its Finale

The National Archives of Georgia, in the frames of the “Document of the Week”, presented the letter of Pelo Beriashvili dedicated to Phillipe Makharadze that was followed by interesting results. Descendants of the author of the letter contacted the National Archives of Georgia and told the end of this love story.

The teacher wrote to the chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Georgia about her odds of suffering but the main point of the letter was the story of her love and the problems created due to it: “As you may know, and of course you have an experience of love, we fell in love when we were students. However, I have made a big mistake, but love is the law of nature and I couldn’t escape these claws. The main trouble is that he is a nobleman’s son. I strongly fought my feelings but couldn’t overcome it…” - The local government of the Soviet Union expelled Pelo’s fiancé – Chokolashvili from the village. Saying, "nobleman’s son cannot live in the village."

Pelo asked Philippe Makharadze for help. Saying: "My fate is on you".

This letter, written in the 1930s, does not include the resolution, so the response to her request is not shown in the archival document.

As Pelo Beriashvili's descendants informed the National Archives of Georgia, this story ended with marriage and Levan Cholokashvili (only his surname was indicated in the letter) was allowed to live in the village - Shilda.

Also it was revealed that Levan Cholokashvili was a relative of a famous Georgian military figure, Kakutsa Cholokashvili. That's why Levan’s father Paata Cholokashvili was shot by Bolsheviks in 1924.

The descendants of Cholokashvili-Beriashvili sent photos of their ancestors to the National Archives, which is attached to this information.

The National Archives of Georgia is thankful to Cholokashvili-Beriashili descendants for the information provided.