January 548

Labskaldi Tetraevangelion (12th-13th cc.) – Document of the Week

Document of the current week is the photo of Labskaldi Tetraevangelion (12th-13th cc.), taken by Dimitry Ermakov in 1910.

 Currently the Tetraevangelion is preserved in Svaneti Museum of History and Ethnography.

The photo has an interesting reflection: archangels are holding Pantocrator icon. The icon displayed on the reflection is not accessible today.

Photo is preserved in the Central Audio-Visual Archive.

 “Document of the Week” is the project of the National Archives of Georgia, aiming the popularization of the unique and diverse materials of the National Archives among the society.

One can acquaint with the document through the website of the National Archives: http://archives.gov.ge/ge/kviris-dokumenti, as well as on the page of the archive via social media: https://www.facebook.com/NationalArchivesofGeorgia.