February 548

Georgian and Italian Restorers Exchanged Experience

The restorers of the National Archives of Georgia visited the restoration laboratory of the National Library of Florence and spent a week observing the work of their Italian colleagues.

Nino Melikishvili and Magda Sherazadishvili had the opportunity to be directly involved in the restoration and conservation process, to learn about the process of cleaning and restoring damaged manuscripts and printed books, as well as periodicals; the conservation work on books written on parchment; engraving techniques on leather surfaces; the techniques for making special storage boxes and more.

As part of the visit, Georgian restorers toured the National Library of Florence, its manuscript department and storage facilities. They also visited the Florence State Archives, where they met with the staff of the archive’s restoration laboratory. Additionally, they explored the work of Opificio delle Pietre Dure, one of Italy’s leading restoration institutes. The institute works on various types of exhibits and serves as a key center for the restoration and conservation of cultural heritage.

At the end of the visit, Georgian specialists shared their own experiences with their Italian colleagues and presented the project “Conservation and Restoration of the Lakhmuli Four Gospels,” which was carried out at the restoration laboratory of the National Archives over a period of 18 months in 2020–2021.

The exchange of experience between Georgian and Italian specialists in the field of conservation and restoration is crucial for deepening professional knowledge and introducing new developments, which will continue through further cooperation between the parties.