January 548

The NA hosted an exhibition dedicated to the V-Day

The exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the Victory over fascism has opened in the National Archives of the Ministry of Justice today. The documents displayed are about heroic straggle of Georgian soldiers during the II World War and historical facts of that period.

Maia Kopaleishvili, Deputy Minister of Justice has opened the event. She talked about important role of Georgians and contribution of Georgian people and soldiers to the victory over fascism.

According to Teona Iashvili, Director General of the National Archives the display contains documents concerning straggle of Georgians along with Italian and French guerillas; outbreak on the island of Texel; also papers of Giorgi Kakushadze awarded by the Government of the United States with “Golden Cross”, Rusudan Jordania, first woman pilot, Chichiko Bendeliani, the pilot and other documents, photos and letters about the II World War and reports of examination of German hostages.

The NA displayed also other documents of wartime period in Georgia. The papers contain documents about recognition of the autonomy of the Orthodox Church of Georgia by Russia in 1944, also files of homecoming of treasure of Georgia from France in 1945, and about secret transportation of treasure to Sataplea.

The exhibition to be open until May 10, 2008.