January 548

The restoration of Anchi Gospel completed

The restoration works of the Anchi Gospel have been completed in the National Archives of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. The Gospel is dated back to 11-12 centuries.

The restoration works were financed by the International Charity Foundation of the Catholicos –Patriarch of All Georgia.
The restoration works were held in the lab of manuscripts and microfilms of the National Archives and consisted of three phases. The first step included determination of quality of damage. The disinfection of pages was held, also the engravings were intensified and pages cleaned.

The second phase included stretch of pages, the artificial parchment was made for filling the omitted pages. The artificial parchment was pasted into the book and book cover restored during the third step of works.

The National Bureau of Forensic Science has examined the Anchi Gospel and the date of re-write of the book and green eye type on the cover was defined.
The Gospel is written on the parchment with nuskhuri script. The book is silver plated. The manuscript has an engraving of Matthew Evangelist. The cover was fulfilled by Beka Opizari that was lost in the later period. The gospel has reached to our days with the cover of the 16th century. The Gospel has 269 pages including 3 empty ones.
The book has an inscription by the Archbishop Tevdore of Anchi who remembers David Soslani, Queen Tamara, Lasha-Giorgi and goldsmith Beka.
The Gospel of Anchi was contributed to the National Archives in 1923 by citizen from Tsalka.