February 548

Photos of Port Cities of Georgia on International Exhibition

Exhibition “Medieval Ports in the Maritime Routs of the East: North Aegean, Black Sea, Caspian Sea” will be opened on December 15 in Thessaloniki, Greece at the European Center of Byzantine and Post Byzantine Monuments. Together with the port cities of different countries, the historical photos of Batumi, Poti and Sukhumi, preserved at the National Archives of Georgia in the photo collection of Dimitri Ermakov will be presented at the exposition.

The arrangement is included in the actions of the project “OLKAS. From Aegean to the Black Sea. Medieval Ports in the Maritime Routs of the East”. The organizers of the exposition are: European Center of Byzantine and Post Byzantine Monuments, Cultural Center of Thessaloniki and Center for the Study and Development of Hellenic Culture of the Black Sea.

Century ago photos of the following port cities will be presented at the exhibition: Thessaloniki, Kavala, Maroneia, Istanbul, Varna, Odessa, Batumi, Baku, Sevastopol, Sukhumi, Poti, Sozopoli and others. Old Post cards, gravures and maps will be also presented by the organizers. Exposition will last for one month.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition will be attended by the delegation of the National Archives of Georgia.

 It’s worth mentioning that besides the exhibition the electronic base of the documents connected with the ports of Aegean, Black and Caspian Sea is planned to be created, also the filming of the documentary (25 minutes), creation of a special web-site, preparation of the edition and holding conferences and workshops.