January 548

Document of the Week - Kutaisi Noble School Program

Ilia Chavchavadze's recommendations concerning the curriculum of the Kutaisi Noble School Inspector Alexander Chichinadze.

Ilia discusses school programs sent by Aleksandre Chichinadze and points to shortcomings in Georgian and Russian literature, the history of Holy Scriptures, chanting, geography or arithmetic; requests to eliminate these shortcomings.

Particularly interesting is Ilia's note on Russian Language Program: “Here's more needed to include articles, stories and poems that should be read, conscious and taught. Our school should be aware of the fact that the Georgian children often read the articles and the poems that has special Russian properties which are totally unclear for our children.”

“The Document of the Week” is a project of the National Archives of Georgia and aims to inform the public about the unique and diverse materials preserved in the archives.

The document can be viewed on the National Archives website: http://archives.gov.ge/ge/kviris-dokumenti, also on the National Archives page in the social network:  https://www.facebook.com/NationalArchivesofGeorgia