February 548

Division of the Scientific-Methodical Work and Documents' Integration

The main function of the structural unite of the Central Historical Archive - Division of the Scientific-Methodical Work and Documents' Integration is the research of the materials gathered at the archive and their examination, display of the important documents, receive of new documents and their systematization. For the implementation of the mentioned goals the division works in the following directions:

Scientific-Technical Work

  • Scientific-technical work is carried out according to the problems and subjects that may have scientific, social and cultural importance; archive processes organizational-methodic documents while working on the themes;
  • Process on working the theme is divided into research stages: acquainting with the conditions of the researching question, collecting materials, analysis and generalization, preparation of thematic inventories and indexes according to the educed material;
  • The final result of the scientific-technical work is the display and systematization of those basic materials that may be guided for the planning of the future researches by any interested persons.

Receiving of Documents and the Fonding according the Respective Rule

  • Division determines the sources of supplement: determines the circle of the persons, who should transfer the documents. For receiving the documents from the private persons the division keeps following principles: the importance of the person in the development of science, culture and social life. The documents of the private origin is received by expertise-verification commission;
  • The received documents are processed and are formed as fonds; During the processing of the documents the descriptions are created, where the composition of the files and the brief content will be reflected; In parallels of the description the indexes according to persons, geographical places and other data are composed that assists the interested person to find the file easily.

During the last several years the division has finished the fonding of “Harvard” and “Leuville” collections, depicting the emigration history of the First Democratic Republic of Georgia.

The division prepares electronic inventories according to the respective thematic.

Archive has processed the first electronic fonds – electronic copies of the documents, depicting the activities of the Belgian diplomat Camille Huysmans with the connection of Georgia, visiting Tbilisi in 1920 as a member of the II International. The documents were transferred to the archive by the Institute of the Social History of Belgium. The National Archives of Georgia will go on receiving the documents in digital versions and the respective processing.

The future plan of the division is the processing of the private fonds of the Georgian historian and public figure Simon Janashia; educe of the information about the churches existing in Georgia in the 19thcentury and the beginning of the 20th century according to the documents of Georgia-Imereti Synod Bureau.