January 548

Division of Formation, Records Management and Scientific-Reference Data System of NAF


Goals and Functions:

  • Creation of the #1 and #2 lists of the source-institutions, banking the Central Archive;
  • Selection of the documents of state organs of Georgia, institutions, organizations and enterprises, as well as the documents of the private origin, with the object of the supplement of the National Archival Fonds;
  • Complex control of the conditions of business correspondence and the archival affair in the banking source institutions;
  • Control of the work of the appraiser examination commission of the source-institutions;
  • Organization of the work of the appraiser examination commission of the Central Archive;
  • Conduction of the appraiser examination of the archival fonds preserved at the Central Archive;
  • Organizational-methodical leadership and supervision of the work of the source-institution archives;
  • Statistic registration of the volume and the conditions of the archival fonds documents, temporarily preserved at the source-institutions, banking the Central Archive;
  • Creation and improvement of the scientific-informational data system, search system, on the documents, preserved at the Central Archive.